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Carbon neutral. Future positive.

We're diving into the social, environmental, and economic impacts of the investments, innovations, projects, initiatives, and partnerships taking place in the Edmonton Region’s clean tech economy, answering the question, “How is the clean tech economy in the Edmonton Region shaping the future of sustainable energy?”

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Edmonton Global’s Upcoming Interview Series

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While many places in the world are talking about how to address the climate crisis, the Edmonton Region is one of the very few where action is taking place, and these actions are at a global scale.

Here's the story of how industry, policy-makers, and Indigenous leaders are pioneering net-zero solutions, advancing hydrogen and carbon capture technologies, and supporting community-driven initiatives that are reshaping the energy landscape.

But this series is more than just a clean energy story. Highlights all the work happening in the Edmonton Region to meet Canada’s net-zero targets and support global emissions-reductions efforts.

Hydrogen, concrete, sustainable agriculture, waste to energy, sustainable aviation fuels, and more, are all a part of the Edmonton Region and Canada’s decarbonization story.
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24-05-07 EdGlobal_VariousMaps_EdRegion-Sectors_Hydrogen-Partners

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